Monday, November 23, 2009

Protest Pending

I could have added a bucket load to my 18 had I kept batting last week, but unfortunately a days play has to end and on Saturday I knew as soon as I woke up that I wasn't feeling sharp.

Sure enough I was bowling by an in swinger after a couple of overs, that I really shouldn't have had too much trouble with.

Again our batting lineup faltered and we fell 14 runs short of a target we should have easily achieved.

But it isn't the last we are going to hear about this game. Manly played a bowler not on their team sheet and he took 2/6 off 6. There is this agreement with Manly that if players get called up for higher grades, they are allowed to chop and change their teams. But we have no evidence of a player being involved in a higher grade game, telling us that Manly are abusing their freedoms.

Now, we don't deserve the points from Saturday and we still may not have won had this player not played, but Manly can not get away with things like this, they just come across as having the attitude of "we are Manly we can do what we want". And it is totally unfair on every other team in the comp.

Also my bowling enthusiasm has been re inspired after watching Glenn McGrath go around on Sunday night. TC will be back this week, I guarantee wickets.

Average: 11.8 (Up 1.5)

Stay tuned to TC Cricket, the TC Ink Backyard Cricket Series has begun. Footage and results up soon. TC, Brick, Davo, Jake battle it out to obtain backyard cricket royalty.

Monday, November 9, 2009

My Most Incredible Win Ever in Competition Cricket

On Saturday we pulled off something special, we managed to snatched a game that was all but lost and it was easily the most incredible victory that I have ever been involved in in a game of cricket, if not anything.

Batting first after another lost toss, North Steyne scored at 4 an over for the most part of their innings, while we consistently took wickets. Unfortunately towards the end of their innings we probably should have finished them off for around 20 runs than what they got. However they finished at 8/144.

Dee was fantastic opening the bowling, he bowled his 7 overs straight for only 15 runs and undeservedly no wickets.

I replaced Mick after he bowled 4, and my first over was a handy maiden. While I didn't bowl badly, the North Steyne batsman found it easy to play off the front foot and I probably should have tried bowling just short of a length. Their left hander who top scored for them had a lot of luck, hitting numerous lofted cover drives only just over the heads of fieldsmen. I bowled out their captain who was looking dangerous and finish with 1/33 off 6.

Freddy was brilliant again, he cleaned up and kept it really tight. 4/16 off 7, remarkable figures for a one dayer.

Ozzie, dropping down from 1st grade looked really sharp with the ball but didn't pick up a wicket. Mick picked up the other 3.

Our innings followed the same course of every other game this year. We experimented opening with Mick in an attempt to get a quick start. Cammo went early, hitting his own stumps of all things and was shortly followed by Mick. Freddy went quickly and it was up to Pete and Ben to try and recover things. They could only manage a 32 run partnership before Pete was caught for 29 and 10 runs later Ben was bowled for 11. Steve and Dee didn't hang around for long.

I joined Ozzie with the score at 7/65 (24 overs gone) and victory seeming pretty impossible. I felt great with the bat, I hit some great drives and made no mistakes. We ran between the wicket really well and had a pretty solid partnership. Unfortunately it came to and end when I hit a drive straight back at the bowler who took a good catch, dismissed for 18 with the score at 92. Brown came and went for 5 and at 9/102 (we needed 43 off 18 balls) morale was low and we were all just waiting for the last wicket and defeat.

The next two balls Ozzie belted a 6 and a 4 and we grabbed 15 off the over. Darren did a great job of rotating the strike. Oz smashed a huge 6 off the next over and combined with a heap of twos thanks to some superb running between the wickets, all of a sudden there was a chance of victory with 15 needed off the last over. The first ball disapeared for 6. The second ball sailed over the rope and all of a sudden the ball was in our court. A doll ball followed and it was 3 from 3 needed. Ozzie drove for a single and then two drop and run singles followed, with victory being achieved on the final ball.

We couldn't believe it on the sideline, we were all ecstatic that our first win had come in that sort of fashion. Ozzie batted amazingly, finishing with 57* and the good news is, it looks like he'll be playing for us again next week.

And I got it all on video. CPCC TV footage is already up on YouTube, and it will be added to the site shortly.

An improvement was made on most of my goals, so I will list the good ones.

Goals Update

Lead Comp: 6th (Up 1)
Batting Average: 10.3 (Up 2.8)

Sunday, November 1, 2009

A Few Runs Hit

It was defensive and scratchy but I needed time at the crease and that's what I got.

I got lucky early on, my first run came off a poorly timed, spooned chip to square leg, just to the right of a fielder. I popped another drive up a little later on but it didn't carry and also survived a couple of LBW shouts. Other than that I was doing quite well, grabbing a few singles here and there to slowly trudge my score along. My main aim was to protect my wicket, the game was gone when I came in at number 9.

I smacked a uppish cover drive through a gap for my solitary four, quite unusual for me considering I was out there for 23 overs. I struggled with spin again, playing and missing at a few leg spinners. Probably just need to stop committing on the front foot so early, need to get back.

I was furious with my dismissal on 17, a slow swinger who was bowling outies changed one up with an in swinger. I picked it early and tried to turn it around the corner and somehow it took my leg stump. Clearly not taking guard in the right spot. To make matters worse, it was the guy who didn't give my LBWs.

But it was a good innings, 60 partnership with Dee who batted superbly for his 60. We'll be pushing for him to open in the one dayer next week at the Plateau.

My average has skyrocketed to 7 and a half, halfway to my goal.

I have started a numbering system with my collection of playing shirts. The first one to be numbered was my shirt from Saturday, "17", for the score that I got. Its time to get superstitious as I find out which shirts I bat/bowl best in!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Its Just not Cricket, an Old Feud Reignites

Last Saturday was probably one of the worst days of cricket I have ever experienced in my life. A park cricket game was ruined by idiots who get satisfaction over cheating their way to a huge total.

Throughout the game I am sure everyone in the team thought at some point, 'what is the point of even bowling to these guys'. We should have just given them 300 runs and got on with it.

I hope the left handed Harbord Bowling captain feels fulfilled after his century. Especially after he was out plumb LBW at least twice for a duck. But apparently it is possible to pitch a the ball outside leg when your swinging it in to someone. And it is also possible for a ball to go over the stumps when the ball hits well below the knees planted on the crease.

Later in the game another bloke (on a duck) hit a massive edge behind, not out. We had that ump sent from the field just for the next guy to turn down another caught behind against the same batsman. That guy went on to hit us to the boundary numerous times. Apart from that, Dee had another plumb LBW turned down and we had a runout decision turned down when a guy leaped into the air to avoid the throw which ended up being a direct hit. Conveniently for them, the ump 'didn't see' whether the batsman had made his ground before jumping. What the hell were you looking at then you dead set fool.

So anyway, Harbord, I hope your happy with your 300 runs. I hope to hell we can put you through the same crap next week, and I will enjoy all your uproars when we shake our heads to edges to slip, full toss back leg in front of middle LBWs and 2 metre short run outs. Just remember that it wasn't us that wanted to play the game like this. And if we can somehow pull off 300 runs, we're gonna rub it into your faces.

What a pity, I had gotten over my hate for Harbord which lingered for a while after they cost us a premiership in U/13s, calling off a game because of a 'skidding' pitch because we were in a definately going to win position.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

T20 Excitement Makes up for Tight Loss

On Sunday I kept my all time captaincy record at 100% after I led the inaugural CPCC Twenty20 team to victory at Nolans 5. It erased the frustrations of a tight loss to Cromer in 3rd Grade on Saturday.

Captaining again was a great experience, I felt I got the batting lineup and bowling options nearly 100% correct. I stuck with my gut and opened with Josh Toth and David Le, which turned out to be a masterstroke.

Mind you, we had a great team, I would nearly describe it as a Plateau all stars team. Everyone contributed and hopefully we can have the majority of them back for game 2.

In the field I need to improve and take more control, constantly monitor what positions are effective and who is doing nothing. However I didn't make any bad decisions and thought I did pretty well for my first time captaining a senior team.

The game was a cracker and you can read all about it in the Plateau blog. Note down in my goals I have added 'keep captaincy record at 100%' to accommodate the Twenty20 comp. And if that goal is achieved, we win the title (providing I don't get sacked).

I got one up on my cousin Carl in the captaincy stakes but had two put down when bowling to Dane.

Now, on to the disappointing news from Saturday.

We lost the toss and fielded first (AGAIN, D'OH). And I soon learned that I would not be opening, so I could bowl from the outswinger's end after Mick. I wasn't too pleased about it, and probably should have insisted to open from the wrong end (considering I did it last week and bowled fantastic). But anyway Mick and Dee opened and did a great job. I came on at first change and got unlucky. In my 2nd over some guy blocked me for 4, edged me for another 4, got dropped etc etc and I was left with 2 overs 0/21. We took wickets consistently throughout Cromer's innings, I contributed with a ripper run out. I feebly misfielded a drive to mid off through my legs, fired up I charged after the ball, the batsmen set off for another run, I retrieved the ball 3/4 of the way to the boundary and launched it in, demolishing middle stump and catching the batsman short. That spurred on a bit of a celebration considering it was their opening batsman who had been hanging around. Finally I came on again for the 2nd last over with the score at 9 fa and I finished Cromer's innings with my first ball, all out for 168, a poor score at Griffith park. Freddy was again the pick of our bowlers with 4/19 off his 7.

Our innings was horrible for the main part, we were 4/13 then 6/43 and I think that says something about where our batting order is at currently. Batting at 3, Pete survived as everyone else fell around him. His 60 gave us a chance at taking the match with some great hitting towards the end. Steve joined Dee for the final wicket. That's right, they were together for the final wicket. And they put on an unbeaten 36 to just pull up short of the total (8 runs in fact). If only they were higher in the order... Steve finished with 30 not out and Dee 15 not out.

I got bowled by a quick 'spinner' who was bowling more medium pace than spin, for 1. I always find new ways to get out, I couldn't tell you the last time I got bowled simply trying to prod a ball to leg side.

Anyway this week were at back at Lake Park again, against Harbord Bowling. We must get something out of this game, and lets hope we bloody well bat first.

Goals Update:

Lead Comp 6th
Open Bowling Bowled at First Change in 3rds
2.3 Wickets Per Game .75/Game
Batting Average 15 3
Player of Day
Top 10 Club Champion Pts Approx. 31st
Keep captaincy record at 100%

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

TC Shortlisted for Twenty20 Captaincy

During after match talk at the Brooky Pub last Saturday it was revealed that TC is being considered to organise and possibly captain the upcoming inaugural MWCA Sunday Twenty20 competition.

TC’s history of organising social Twenty20 tournaments the past two summers would have perhaps prompted these thoughts and he is keen to take up a captaincy role if offered.

“I would love a chance to captain a CPCC team for the second time in my career and hopefully not decrease my 100% win record.”

The only game that TC has captained was the last match of the 2007/2008 season, Under 16/17s comp, and was at Griffith Park. It was a one day match against St Augustines Green and the Plateau won comfortably by 21 runs.

“They were low on the table, however we fought off a charge from a grade player who had shown up to play for them for the first time that season. The entire team got both a bat and a bowl which made the win quite enjoyable.”

“I’ll always remember my piece of captaincy brilliance from that game. To begin the match I set a short ball trap and put a deep mid wicket in. Nick complained about it heaps so I made him the man in the deep. Sure enough a catch was hit straight to him and he put it down.”

Tom also has some good captaincy experience in Twenty20s from the previously mentioned competitions that he ran. In season 1 he took his team to a meagre 1 run defeat in the grand final against a red hot team. His personal performances were also outstanding, scoring 20 and taking an unbelievable 3/4 off 4 in the GF.

"That was probably the most accurate I have ever bowled. I suppose I just perform better without the pressure that comes with Saturday club games."

The format on the Sunday Twenty20 competition is likely to be in an ICC Champions trophy like format. There will be two pools where everyone plays each other within the pool and then the leaders face off after that.

The tournament will be spread out, avoiding the masters competition amongst other things. Further details are not known yet.

TC expects the CPCC team to contain mainly a young contingency.

"It will be hard for a lot of guys to back up and take the time out on Sunday to play more cricket. I expect the keen young guys to fill a lot of the team."

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Half Chance not Taken

Match scorecard

It was always going to be a tough ask scoring 275 on Saturday, but in the end we made a good fist of it and perhaps missed out on cashing in on a half chance given to us by Freddy and Dee.

Freddy consistently chipped away despite both Bens, Pete and Mick falling around him. Our situation looked dire until Dee arrived at the crease and immediately set a positive tone, blasting some aggressive shots.

We were right on track with our scoring rate as Freddy and Dee powered along, with Wakehurst leaking even more runs bringing on bowlers to try and buy a wicket. At 6/192 the target began to look very achievable, but unfortunately that was when we lost Freddy for 86.

It was my turn to hit the middle and I scratched around for my first few runs. However, I felt confident and became comfortable quite quickly. That all went out the window when I drove a ball towards a deepish mid on and wanted a single for it, I shot out of the blocks and was sent back by an unmoved Dee and I couldn't quite make my ground. There was a little conjecture over the run out, their keeper was all over the stumps and to me it seemed that he took the stumps out with his gloves before the ball hit.

Anyway I was out for 5 and again we looked up against it at 8/205. Sure enough Darren and Brown came and went and Dee was left stranded on 54, the team stopped at 215.

Dave Quarford was a clear man of the match with his 4 wickets and 86 runs, a very strong start to the season.

We sit in 5th on the table with each other losing team losing worse than us.

Next week we come up against St Peters who lost by 6 wickets to Belrose this round and we will be hoping to get our season off the mark at Millers.

Goals Update:

Lead Comp
Open Bowling
2.3 Wickets Per Game
Batting Average 15
Player of Day
Top 10 Club Champion Pts

So not a great start, but I will be striving to turn some of those ticks into crosses over the next couple of weeks.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Long Day in the Field for 3rds

Match scorecard

Getting revenge against my rival Wakehurst team from last year didn't exactly go to plan. Wanting to bowl first was always a risky decision - although it did get taken out of our hands when we lost the toss anyway - and the obvious choice of batting first was a clear winner on the day.

The same opening batsmen from last year came to the crease and put on 74 for the first wicket before Mick dismissed them both in the 13th over, one caught by Ben on the boundary and the other caught by myself at mid off. Each batsman swung the bat and on a dry field where anything through the in field was four we struggled to stay in the game. Bowling was especially tough, I thought my radar was at about 90% yet those few that I did drop short practically all went to the fence. I didn't get a chance against any lower batsmen and ended up with 0/48 off 9. Mick and Freddy consistently took lower order wickets but there was just too many runs leaked, particularly for the last wicket (30). Freddy ended up with 4, the same with Mick, with Dee and Brown getting the other 2. Wakehurst were all out for 279 off only 49 overs.

I went out to umpire the first 10 overs and it was an unexpectedly pleasant experience. The team is 50% different to last year and it seemed only a couple of the big mouths remained. After talking to a few of their players they seemed like a pretty nice bunch.

Our chase started off woefully. Cammo hit a typical couple of cut shots for 4 and then was bowled for 11. Steve scratched out a single before he was also bowled. 2/13 was a very worrying score. However, Ben came to the crease with Freddy and they steadied the ship, getting away with a couple of edges, to take us to 2/41 off 15 overs when bad light stopped play.

Next week we will require a further 239 for victory with 8 wickets in hand and 60 overs to spare. It looks a very hard task, but we do have some class to come and a very capable tail. One big knock from someone could be all we need to come close.

Friday, September 11, 2009

PreGame Post

Saturday 12th September 2009 TC and his new 3rd Grade team face off against the team that knocked our B2 team out in the semis 6 short months ago. With a stronger team now is the perfect time for revenge after being abused in two games by these people last season. This Wakehurst team returns after being told they were going to be kicked out of the club last season when they were witnessed by the club president abusing the 13/14 year olds in the Manly Grade team. I can only presume they have promised to clean up their act so they can continue with the club.

The toss: There is a 95% chance we will be bowling first. Darren has made it clear we want to bowl and I can't see Wakehurst choosing to bowl on a 30 degree day on what seems as though a good field to bat on. Whether our choice is a good one or not will soon be found out.

The ground: TC returns to Lake park for the first time in a while. The ground was surveyed yesterday and doesn't appear to be in great nick. The outfield, while the grass looks a little long, it is actually really dry with a few bare patches. A fast outfield is expected. The pitch is in a canyon. At one run up in particular there is a steep drop to the pitch which could upset some bowlers. At the other end the run up is particularly sandy which could also cause some problems.

Weather: As I already mentioned, approaching 30 degrees. It is going to be a bloody hot one and thats about it.

So summing up, at 1:00 you should see Mick opening the bowling followed by TC. CPCC are hoping for a Wakehurst blood bath.

Good luck to all Plateau teams.

CPCC TV Presence: Should be at the following games. 3rd Grade, 4th Grade, 7th Grade.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

3rd Grade It Is!

It has been confirmed that our side will compete in 3rd Grade (formerly A3s) this season. TC has been named as opening bowler alongside Mick at Lake Park this Saturday at 1pm.

This will be the first time I have played at Lake Park in just over a year and a half. The Plateau are up against Wakehurst. Other teams in the comp include: Harbord Bowling, North Steyne Tigers (Down from A2s), Belrose Rugby League, St Peters (Up from B1s), Cromer CC and Manly District 6th Grade.

Updated 2009/2010 Season Goals

Win the Comp
Hold Opening Bowler Spot
Take 23 Wickets
Average 15 with the Bat
Achieve Player of the Day at Pub
Finish in Top 10 on Club Wide Shearer Table

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Season 09/10 Approaches

After a long off season, that wasn't really an off season at all, the regular season beckons, kicking off in less than a weeks time.

And I still don't know which grade I will end up in. After progressing from Jacko's development squad after a couple of years I have teamed up with last years A3 team. I rejoin Cammo and Ben Ireland who I began senior cricket with and play with Dave Quarford for the first time, who got the Plateau juniors up and running again 13 years ago with a team containing me, age 5.

As of today we are still unsure of whether we will end up playing 5th Grade, 4th Grade or 3rd Grade (Most probable).

I was going to list some goals I have for the upcoming season. But as I don't know which grade I will be playing, it will remain incomplete until I do. Obviously my wicket/run targets will be higher if I play 5ths rather than 3rds. But one goal is obvious, and that is win whichever comp we play in.

2009/2010 Season Goals

Win the Comp
Hold Opening Bowler Spot
Take X Wickets
Score X Runs
Achieve Player of the Day at Pub
Finish in Top 10 on Club Wide Shearer Table

Season 09/10 has the potential to be a fantastic season.