Monday, November 9, 2009

My Most Incredible Win Ever in Competition Cricket

On Saturday we pulled off something special, we managed to snatched a game that was all but lost and it was easily the most incredible victory that I have ever been involved in in a game of cricket, if not anything.

Batting first after another lost toss, North Steyne scored at 4 an over for the most part of their innings, while we consistently took wickets. Unfortunately towards the end of their innings we probably should have finished them off for around 20 runs than what they got. However they finished at 8/144.

Dee was fantastic opening the bowling, he bowled his 7 overs straight for only 15 runs and undeservedly no wickets.

I replaced Mick after he bowled 4, and my first over was a handy maiden. While I didn't bowl badly, the North Steyne batsman found it easy to play off the front foot and I probably should have tried bowling just short of a length. Their left hander who top scored for them had a lot of luck, hitting numerous lofted cover drives only just over the heads of fieldsmen. I bowled out their captain who was looking dangerous and finish with 1/33 off 6.

Freddy was brilliant again, he cleaned up and kept it really tight. 4/16 off 7, remarkable figures for a one dayer.

Ozzie, dropping down from 1st grade looked really sharp with the ball but didn't pick up a wicket. Mick picked up the other 3.

Our innings followed the same course of every other game this year. We experimented opening with Mick in an attempt to get a quick start. Cammo went early, hitting his own stumps of all things and was shortly followed by Mick. Freddy went quickly and it was up to Pete and Ben to try and recover things. They could only manage a 32 run partnership before Pete was caught for 29 and 10 runs later Ben was bowled for 11. Steve and Dee didn't hang around for long.

I joined Ozzie with the score at 7/65 (24 overs gone) and victory seeming pretty impossible. I felt great with the bat, I hit some great drives and made no mistakes. We ran between the wicket really well and had a pretty solid partnership. Unfortunately it came to and end when I hit a drive straight back at the bowler who took a good catch, dismissed for 18 with the score at 92. Brown came and went for 5 and at 9/102 (we needed 43 off 18 balls) morale was low and we were all just waiting for the last wicket and defeat.

The next two balls Ozzie belted a 6 and a 4 and we grabbed 15 off the over. Darren did a great job of rotating the strike. Oz smashed a huge 6 off the next over and combined with a heap of twos thanks to some superb running between the wickets, all of a sudden there was a chance of victory with 15 needed off the last over. The first ball disapeared for 6. The second ball sailed over the rope and all of a sudden the ball was in our court. A doll ball followed and it was 3 from 3 needed. Ozzie drove for a single and then two drop and run singles followed, with victory being achieved on the final ball.

We couldn't believe it on the sideline, we were all ecstatic that our first win had come in that sort of fashion. Ozzie batted amazingly, finishing with 57* and the good news is, it looks like he'll be playing for us again next week.

And I got it all on video. CPCC TV footage is already up on YouTube, and it will be added to the site shortly.

An improvement was made on most of my goals, so I will list the good ones.

Goals Update

Lead Comp: 6th (Up 1)
Batting Average: 10.3 (Up 2.8)

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