Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Still in With a Shot

Unbelievably, we are still in with a shot at making the finals in this roller coaster season.

In fact, after our victory over St Peters on the weekend (which I was absent for), we are only 1 first innings win away from the top 4. It is going to be a huge battle for that 4th spot, with Cromer on 27 and Manly, North Steyne and us on 21.

This weekend we get a change to go equal 4th as we play Cromer in a one dayer at Kierle Park.

After a 27 against Wakehurst before the Christmas break, my average is slowly creeping up towards my target of 15. It sits at 12.3. However, it might be worth revising my target average, cause I know I can do a lot better than that. We'll see.

Also bowled quite well at the end of the Wakehurst game. I had both batsmen who were at the crease dropped and then bowled one of them out. Hopefully did enough to get my name back higher up the list.

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